MusicTag forSpotify Logo

A music tagging system for your Spotify library

Categorize and organize the songs in your Spotify library with ease.

Group Tags Together

Combine similar or related tags together into a group with a shared color.

Preview a tag's group and description by hovering over it in the track table.

Search Your Library

Use built-in filters to find songs with particular names, tags, genres, or artists.

Get dynamically-updating filter suggestions as you type.

Queue Songs on Spotify

Add songs directly to your Spotify playback queue on your device that is currently playing music.

Explore Your Genres

See your songs' genres (if available) as distinct tags in your library.

Explore Spotify's 6000+ genres and their super genres.

Exemplify your Tags

See your exemplar tracks on your tags page.

Exemplar tracks will highlight those tags in the track table.